Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Practical was not so PRACTICAL

I just took my Practical Exam for Aesthetics.......yes, with all I have going on I had to finish this.  I had to follow thru.  So, most of the time my parents were here, I was in my room going over stuff in my head for the exam and getting products together.

I pick up my model, grab a diet coke left over from when my mom was in town (left yesterday) and guessed it, in the stinkin neighborhood I go for the first drink (sip...whatever) and spill down MY WHITE UNIFORM SCRUBS!  I knew it......I just did in spite in think....I think I dared someone and I got it LOL.

So, with that being the beginning, and of course what do we talk about "Marshall" and "Radiation" and his blogs (which we both love of course)  I swear this situation is always on your mind and you can't run from it.  But there are times that you have to just put it out of your mind.......BUT IT'S SO HARD TO!

In the practical, I had a thundering heart.  I felt good.  I told myself I know all this, I can do it......So when set up came......I was the last one getting things out and disinfected.  Actually thought I would run out of time and not get everything out.  But I did!  I forgot to sanitize my hands sometimes at the beginning of the section (only the first one...after that I got mad at myself!) I was also always the last one to finish each and every darn section.  I would be in the middle and they would be completely done..........there were two others and i was on the end. 

I felt as though one of the state board members was always on my side and looking at what I was doing......I forgot to bring up the towel over the declote (sp?) for the toning and remembered mid, just brought it up half way thru......crap! kicked myself and I had to remember not to talk to myself....bad habit of mine!

I was doing one section and the machine wasn't really working it did in the beginning, but then it wasn't so I was a fakin it.......then she comes over (of course) and i tell her that it worked in the beginning but then just stopped so i was just going thru the movements. she fiddled with a few buttons and it worked again, but as I was doing this....granted this was the second step in a three step process.....mind you OH, my vacuum (1st step) was making these slurping sounds.....LOL bc i didn't dry it well enough and OF COURSE no one else was doing it then since they were speed warping thru it.  But again, I was way behind......way behind.  I had time, but the stress of knowing that two people are waiting.....STRESSFULLLLLLLL!

So, in the moisturizing, I forgot to replace a top.....and i hear "click" from the computer....and I go "crap" inside of course.....and for my Mock Wax........I forgot to get out my "strips"  in the middle of getting the general directions and the lady IS RIGHT THERE BEHIND MY MACHINE......I realize that I FORGOT TO GET IT OUT.  My eyes got huge.......I looked right at her and was about to tell her and then something said.....don't say do I do.......SMILE.  she responds with one back.  So, I am sitting here thinking how am I going to do this?  I can't go back in my bag, I already raised my hand and said i was finished.  I am not allowed back in my bag.  AND SHE IS RIGHT THERE.  So, I sanitize, she is at my back....I rip a piece of kleenex and make it into a rectangle (my mock strip......) so I worked real work fast.........and have her not see me.......

Oh, and in the beginning when I was supposed to cleanse the face....but first the eyes, and, i had just squirted cleanser on hand...remembered eyes, so wiped off.....did it, then squirted cleanser AGAIN, and remembered the lips, so took it off and did the lips.....THEN FINALLY GOT TO THE CLEANSER!!!!

It was a mess for me mentally, and can't believe that I actually passed.  I thought about leaving, I almost cried....but I got a 92% don't ask me how!!!!!!!  I haven't had it all sink in yet.........I am still overwhelmed with me passing....I guess I am just too much of a perfectionist!

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